


What is RFID? Why?

Last updated:2020年10月16日

I’m Sugihara from the Contract Development section.

I’m a new employee who just joined the company in April of 2020.
It’s been six months since I joined the company.
Time flies, doesn’t it? I feel it again.

In this blog, I will explain
What is RFID?
2. Why do we use RFID?

In this blog, I will write about the following topics.
As I have only been with the company for a short time, I think I am closest to the customer’s point of view.
So, I will try to make the contents easier to understand for our customers, and I hope you will read it until the end.

1. What is RFID?

Why do we use RFID?

1. What is RFID?

RFID, in brief, is a tag that allows products and goods to carry unique information.
This alone may make some of you ask, "Hmm? So let me give you a concrete example.
So, let's take a concrete example.
Everyone buys clothes, right? On the contrary, I don't think there is anyone who doesn't buy clothes.
Yes! As you may have guessed, RFID is used in apparel stores.
There is a tag attached to the clothes with the price. That tag is RFID.
The RFID tag contains information such as the price and the name of the product.
Therefore, when the tag is read, the price is displayed.
Did you get the idea?
Remember, it's a tag that carries unique information about the product or goods!

So why use RFID? I'm sure many of you are thinking, "Why RFID?
So let's move on to the next topic.

Why do we use RFID?

There are many advantages to RFID, and I am writing about three of them in this article.
The three advantages are
The three advantages are: 1. it can hold a lot of information, 2. it has a wide reading range, and 3. it can read overlapping data.
In this article, we will compare them with barcodes, the subject of comparison.

1. Can hold a lot of information
 →RFID can handle several thousand characters.
  Barcodes are limited to less than 20 characters.
  This means that RFID can record a wide variety of information.

2. Wide reading range
 →RFID can read up to 15 meters.
  Barcodes are limited to 30 centimeters.
  This means that RFID can be read from a distance.

3. Readable even when overlapped
 →RFID can be read as long as communication is available.
  Barcodes cannot be read if the laser is blocked.
This means that RFID can read products even if they overlap, as long as communication is available.

There are other advantages of RFID, but I think these three are the most important ones that customers are concerned about.
I hope I have solved some of your questions about RFID.
I would be happy if they were.

Looking at it this way, it may seem that barcodes are inferior to RFID, but this is not the case.
Barcodes are much cheaper than RFID.
Therefore, it is very important to use different types of barcodes for different tasks and operations.

What do you think, have you been able to deepen your understanding of RFID?
If you were able to deepen your understanding of RFID, I would be very happy.

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