


About the format of RFID tag

Last updated:2020年09月11日

This is Oshiro from R&D section.

I have written about writing to EPC before.
This time, I would like to describe why we need to comply with the format and how it is done in the data.

About format compliance

How to use a specific format

About format compliance

It is expected that RFID will become more and more popular in the world.
When dealing with proprietary formats, you can freely express yourself in the bit range of the tag, but there are some disadvantages as follows.
The software must be customized for the proprietary format.
The system will be Galapagosized and it will be difficult to cope with standardization.

There is a standard called SGTIN (Serialized Global Trade Item Number) in the "UHF Band RFID Standard Code System Guidelines" from JAISA, which is useful if you want to identify products one by one.
SGTIN adds a serial number to the GTIN so that individual products can be numbered.
In addition, you can get the "product type", "business code", and "product code" from the format.

This means that if the tag format conforms to SGTIN, the system can also conform to it, and a general-purpose system can be developed.
When a tag is scanned at a store, it will be easy to filter it by "which company" and "which product".

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How to use a specific format

So how do we determine the format?
Let's assume that the tag is a 96-bit configuration.

Example) Company A
Company code: 4912345 (7 digits)
Product Code: 12345 (5 digits)
Serial number: 1002348 (7 digits)

The SGTIN consists of
EPC Header (8 bit)
Filter (3 bit)
Partitions (3 bit)
GS1 Business Code (24 bits)
Product Code (20 bits)
Serial number (38 bits)

In the case of 7-digit company code, the product code is expressed by 20 bits (up to 1048575 is possible), but in the case of JAN code, the number of digits of the product code is 5 digits (99999 is the maximum), so the product code should not be set to a value greater than 99999.

In the case of Company A
3035 2BD3 640C 0E40 000F 4B6C

The first through 14th bits are expressed in binary numbers as follows
EPC Header : 00110000
Filter : 001
Partitions : 101

In the case of the above, "001" corresponds to "Point of Sale (POS) Trade Item," indicating that it is an "SGTIN for an item to be settled at POS.

The rest of the data from the 15th bit to the 96th bit is as follows

Business Code : 0100 1010 1111 0100 1101 1001
Product Code : 0000 0011 0000 0011 1001
Serial Number : 00 0000 0000 0000 1111 0100 1011 0110 1100

Converting the above binary number to decimal, we get the following
Company Code : 4912345
Product Code : 12345
Serial Number : 1002348

From this information, we can get the information of "Company A" from the company code, "Product" from the product code, and "Individual" from the serial number, and we can retrieve detailed information from the DB or filter it when we use the tag Inventory.

This is a bit long-winded, but I hope it helps you with the formatting.

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